StarBurst Quilt Along with Melissa Corry - Almost done

February has been really crazy for me. I have been able to get much sewing done. Work has been pretty hectic this past couple of weeks. So, between kids and work not much sewing time.

I was hoping that I would have my Quilt Top all done and ready. But haven't got to it. But at least I have all my blocks done and thinking about how to arrange them. One of the block just stands out with the golden star bursts.

Star-burst Quilt top - Option1

Star-burst Quilt top - Option2

Star-burst Quilt top - Option3
I really had fun making these blocks. Each block is 32inch square. I am thinking of adding some shashing and borders to make the quilt measure 80x80inches.
Just one block with some border would make a cute baby quilt.

Please leave me a comment letting me know which arrangement you prefer. I am leaning towards option2.

Now linking up with Melissa Corry's blog.


  1. Love your beautiful blocks!! Stunning!! I like Option 1 the best :)

  2. They all look fabulous:-) This is going to be so incredible with your amazing quilting!!!

  3. Love the colours you have used in your blocks Malini. I have to go with Melissa-Option 1 for me.

  4. Love the dark blue background! great idea! I love option 1 also. It creates a natural flow for you eye to follow with the lighter blocks. I did a different setting to make it larger too. If you want to see it it is on Flicker:
    I just added another row of sashing, put the colored fabric in the cornerstone area, and did a stitch and flip method to make triangles for the star points. The extra sashing made it 63", and I am planning to add a print border. I'm probably only going to make the border 4", so that will bring the quilt to about 71", but you could make the border wider to get to your desired width. Anyway, just an idea for you. Have fun!!

  5. Thank you all for your wonderful suggestion. Looks like option1 is winner. I will go with that :-).

    Happy Quilting!

  6. *smile*, I was going to say option #3 is my favorite. It looks beautiful with that dark background! And thank you for stopping by my corner of the world with your kind comment. You'll get it done and it will look fabulous, I'm sure.

    1. Thank you,Jennifer for stopping by. Option3 is pretty close to option1 :-).

      Now the suspense...which one I'm going to do ;).


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