Avant Garde Blog Tour - Arrows Baby Quilt
I am super excited to be part of the talented makers in Katarina Roccella's blog tour. Thank you, Nina for letting me participate in this wonderful blog tour. Avant Garde fabric is just mind blowing. When I first saw the pics at Art Gallery website , I was totally in love. When I recieved the fabrics they looked awesome in person and then finally when I started making my quilts. I am truly amazing to see how versatile Avant Garde fabrics are. These two are my most favorite blocks, the Panda is loaned from my 4 year old son ;). He is a cutie and insisted that I use his Panda for posing :D The arrows in the blocks were made from same two fabrics, but the the look is totally different. Panda with Favorite blocks from the Avant Garde Arrows Baby Quilt :) More blocks Avant Garde Arrows Quilt - Column Avant Garde Arrows Quilt - Baby size 42 x 44 inches To celebrate these wonderful Avant Garde Blog tour Katarinal is having a giveaway :), please ...
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