Quilt Along with Leah Day - Week 4
So, this week I finally got to start working on Quilt Along series with Leah Day. I really love the way she teaches Free motion quilting. I had accidentally stumbled upon her video while searching for Free Motion quilting in YouTube. And I have been hooked ever since. This week is kind of a crash-course for me. Because this week I'm practicing everything starting week 1 through week 4.Not sure how many times I have watched all those videos though :-). So, its totally 4 weeks worth of practice. Actually this week's quilt along really intrigued me to get started and find time in my really really busy schedule. You know its kind of hard to find time when you a 6months old baby, who always wants to be held. But I don't mind it though :-). He is my precious little one. I will be adding the pictures of all the practice I did this week. By the way, some insight into my very basic sewing machine. I'm using brother XL2600i domestic sewing machine. I purchased a very generi