Totally Groovy Quilt Along with Alyssa Lichner

I start the Totally Groovy QAL @ PileOFabric with Alyssa Lichner this July. But I haven't really gotten much far with my quilt top. So, this week I dedicate few hours to just piecing this quilt top. And I'm happy to say that I'm half way through :-).It was quite interesting to do the curve piecing. I have attempted at curve piecing with machine before and didn't go to far. And ended up hand piecing it. And still haven't finished that project: Apple Core Quilt.

I really found it helpful using the following two tutorials without any pins :-). My first curve was perfect and then had some wonky ones but hid it with piecing ;).
1. Curve piecing with Emily Cier
2. Painless Pin-less Curves by Kate Conklin

Half-Quilt Top , horizontal View

Half-Quilt Top, this was supposed to be Vertical View ;)
One thing I wanted to mention about curve piecing is that, if I cut my inner and outer curves separately as the required square dimensions it went pretty smooth. I have a hard time following patterns I did take a different route with piecing that suggested in the pattern. I eliminated as many seems as possible and had to do some Math for the cutting and piecing. But that's what I love about quilt, I still get to do my Math ;).
I absolutely adore Emily Cier patterns. They're simply brilliant.

Ta..ta for now.


  1. Oh my.....I so love your quilt top/wall quilt!!! Such nice clean lines and the curves are terrific! Have been leaning towards the "modern" look lately and this really confirms it!! Can't wait to see how you will quilt many possibilities!! Hugs, D

    1. Thank you, Doreen!
      Yes, I have been totally intrigued my the Modern quilting movement. I still have to finish the other half of the quilt top. Will post more pics when I'm done. I am planning to use a combination of both Leah Day's and Angela Walter's quilting designs.

  2. It's looking great! I like the contrast of the darker solid with the subtle prints. Happy to hear that you mastered the pin free curve, it seems like a huge time saver. Sadly I've been pinning all of mine because I haven't managed to get the hang of the other methods.

    1. Thank you, MC! The darker solid is my favorite color too. I love the darker solid(boysenberry), light pink marble dots and raspberry marble dots.
      Not so found of the gray and the coral marble fabric. Anyway this is going to be for me. So, I'm okay. I really loved your colors though.

      Regarding curved piecing, I actually opted for pin-free because of time crunch. Here are things which helped me:
      1. Watch those tutorials again
      2. 1/4 inch quilting foot - this is a must
      3. cut the squares before making the inner and outer curves out of it. Where ever I did this method, they turned out better than the directly cutting curve on a longer piece strip.
      4. If my curved piecing didn't work, then I was extra careful while putting it together to stitch over the edges of the curves.

      Can't wait to see your complete quilt :-)

  3. This is so cool!!! Love the colors:-)

  4. Looking great! So nice that you were able to master the pinless seams - I haven't been able to get that one to work yet, and it definitely takes longer!!


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