Leah's UFO Sundays - X's AND O's quilt WIP

This week was wonderful week with lot of good progress. Most of the week I spent Free Motion quilting on my "Shades of Blue" modern quilt. I just have 2 more blocks to go(approximately). Will be blogging about it tomorrow.

So, for this week's UFO, I basted my X's and O's quilt top. Here are some pictures all basted and ready to be quilted. I'm thinking of using the Angela's Plume Feather for the Print fabric and still thinking about what to quilt for inner and outer borders. I definitely want some flower FMQ for the outer border.

New Basting Method
I tried a new basting method this week using painters tape to tape the quilt back down to the floor.
This was super tight and the basting did go so fast. I wonder does this damanage the hardwood floor though. I used to do my own method which is still perfect for baby/toddler size quilts.

Quilt Back taped to the floor

Here is the quilt all basted:
X's and O's quilt
This fabric line is Moda's Rooftop Garden. I absolutely this fabric line especially the gray/slate color borders and backing.

Now linking this up to Leah Day's UFO Sundays!


  1. I love this x and o quilt, especially your border. Yikes, I would be careful of that beautiful floor as i find pins scratch when I am basting. Have you picked a quilting design? It will be lovely when quilted.

  2. This is so pretty, I can't wait to see it quilted!!! Your floors will be a bit "loved" but you can always blame the kids;-)

  3. What a cute quilt! I'm thinking about getting a used ping-pong table for basting and using big office clamps to clamp down the layers. I'd be careful on those pretty wood floors.

    1. Thank you, Danielle! Advice taken. I will go back to my old way of doing it. It might take longer but its okay.


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