30/30 Sewing Challenge Goals - Groovy quilt

My longest UFO is the quilt I made for myself in Fall of 2012 which is still incomplete after almost 1.5 years. I think my worry point was that I had already spent 15hours of quilting and didn't get much done. Looking back how many more hours of quilting I had to put in this quilt, this went into my UFO bucket. Here is a post from a year ago when I did some feathers on this. I still have lot of quilting to be done, I think about 6 colors I completed one color(orange) and 1 is almost there(gray). Some FMQ feathers on the boyensberry color like the one below:

So, my groovy quilt is going to wake-up from my UFO and get done this month. I am hoping to spend 30mins at least each day on this until this 80x80 inches quilt top is done.

Linking up to Berry Barn Designs for 30/30 sewing challenge- week1.


  1. Glad you are joining us for the 30/30 challenge! Your Groovy quilt is a wonderful goal. Such a pretty UFO. It deserves to be finished. Your feathers are beautiful! I look forward to seeing your progress each week at the linky party, Malini!

  2. What a great plan to get a big job done! I love this UFO & can't wait to see what you can do in 30 days! :)

  3. That's a perfect project for your thirty minutes a day - I love the colors! (I'm a tad partial to pinks and purples ; ) Can't wait to see what your finish looks like. Thanks for joining the challenge!

  4. What a great way to get things done... and this on definitely deserves to get done:-) Can't wait to see it finally finished!!!

  5. It's amazing how much you can get done in just 30 minutes a day. I can't wait to see this one all finished.


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