UFO Sundays with Leah Day - Almost done!

Wow! Its been a month since I have been sitting on this. I had finished quilting this Xs and Os quilt for our BMQG November meeting. And then put the binding on the very next day. But still haven't got a chance to finish it yet. I bet I would be done if I can only get an hour to myself.

But I have been working on other projects which I want to finish before Christmas. More pictures to come.


Quilt Back
You can really see the quilting at the back. 

This beauty was a tough love. I had my thread breaking quite a few times during quilting. I am wondering did washing my batting cause this. Because I have used the same thread and batting before and didn't have an issue. I was determined though to finish quilting this one.

Now linking up to Leah's UFO Sundays.


  1. Certainly weird how things happen "all of a sudden"! It does look great, though!!! Good job for sure!!

    1. True! Both work and baby really kept me busy this month. Whenever I had some free time I pieced few simple quilts. I really love your little house.


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