Quilt Along with Leah Day - Week 33

Wow, its just awesome to be so close to finishing up this quilt. Only if I didn't ran out of my bobbin thread.
Any way wanted to a post on the Pointy Pailey(Triangle Paisley I call :-)) to link up to Leah's Quilt along.

Quilt Top - just some more border to be quilted

Pointy Paisley in the blue squares
Now, I'm thinking of using this as wall hanging in our living room. Wondering if I should have a hanging sleeve or not. Also any ideas about how I could hang this puppy ?
I would love to hear what you would do.


  1. you could do either a hanging sleeve or you could install a pretty rod, then simply add clip rings to your quilt. That way, you could switch it out any time easily. It's looking so good! Almost there:)

    1. Thank you! I do like the idea of pretty rod, but will have to convince my DH ;).

  2. WOW....this is lovely:-):-):-)

  3. Very Nice! I would hang it up and enjoy it that way!

  4. You have done a beautiful job. I've enjoyed watching this quilt grow and seeing your lovely quilting.

    1. Thank you, I got the rest of quilting done. Now, need to pick a fabric for binding. It took a long time to quilt this but I really enjoyed it.

  5. I've never tried to hang a quilt myself, so I can't help you there. But I just had to say that all I could think was WOW when your blog loaded and I saw the larger image of your quilt. Just marvelous!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Aubrie.
      The pictures do let me see the outcome of all that hard work quilting it :-). Worth it!

  6. Very nicely done. The quilting really looks great. I have made wall hangings, and I use the triangle method with a dowel rod on the top and the bottom. Good luck.

    1. Thank you! This quilt is 42x47 inches. Does triangles work well for big wall hangings too?

  7. That is looking good. Really nice work. I make a sleeve and hang mine on a quilt hanger with a wooden rod. Not sure how big yours is but you could also use one of those decorative curtain rods.

    1. Thank you, Karin! This quilt is 42x47 inches, my initial intend was make a baby quilt. But now thinking to make it a wall hanging. I like the wooden rod idea.

  8. Stunning, great result. Love the effect of the lines between the quilting patterns, do they follow the seam lines or did you just add them randomly?

    1. Some places I follow the seem and other places I mimic them. The lines goes across the quilt was for Leah's modern zentangles..I just put a different spin on it because I wanted to keep my lines straight.

      The borders are Angela Walters Tiles designs, so the lines really don't follow any seams. They are free form.

      Thank you for stopping by and wonderful comment.

  9. Your pointed paisley looks great! Your quilt is looking so good. I've only ever done a quilt sleeve and hung it on a curtain rod on the wall, but I like the idea of the clips as well.

    1. Thank you! I should stop by my LQS to see the clips options.
      I'm not sure if my DH would be happy with hanger option.

  10. holy cow, what beautiful quilting!!


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