Quilt Along with Leah Day - Week 11

This is was the task to quilt the outline of the design on the Wholecloth. First it does seem like a easy task but it does take time and patience to travel stitch on the design. I'm not even sure how good or bad I'm with it.
Would like to see your comments on how I'm doing good or bad, I want to hear both. So that I will have space to learn and grow.

Thanks to Leah for the insight into the color of thread to be used. Since, I choose a light color fabric(pale pink Kona solid)  I didn't want to go with a dark color thread. So, I choose to use matching color thread for quilting. I do like the way it turned out.  I didn't want to break the thread too often so from the sqaures to the other hearts and feather I continue without breaking thread and filled out the hearts with micro-stippling. I still left out the inner hearts and the surrounding area since I wanted to see how Leah would tackle the micro-stippling. Can't wait for this Wednesday.

Here is the picture of the front of the Wholecloth quilt: The marking are still on I haven't ironed it yet.
Pic in natural light, you can really see the quilting

Picture with flash doesn't do a justice to the quilt

Here is the picture of the back of the Wholecloth quilt.

Wholecloth Quilt Back
1.My question this week to Leah is also on the speed what is the actual speed you do the quilting for staying on the line and microstippling? I felt for microstippling little bit more speed than staying on the line was good.

2.I just read your post completely so changing my second questions. You had mentioned that we need to break threads 16 times. My question is that instead could we travel stitch on the lines of motif if we're using the same thread for the microstippling as we did for the outline of the motif? This way I can get away with breaking the thread.
3. Did you choose to use different color of thread for microstippling for video and picture purpose? Or do you suggest to use different color thread than the one used for outline because the motifs will pop more?


  1. Oh wow that's so good :] really detailed, i love the way it came out! just out of interest, how big is this?

    1. Thank you, Starrie! I was pleasantly surprised too. The quilt itself is 20x20 inches. But the design is approximately 15x15inches. We're supposed to fill it with micro-stippling this week for the hearts and feathers to pop. Will have to see how that goes.

  2. It's awesome! You've done a great job! Am in process of transferring the design to my project. Finding it difficult today as the weather has become gorgeous over the morning hours and it's drawing me outside. Lawn mowing is the task of choice today.....did I say lawn mowing?....Yup and the daffodils are in full bloom and tulips about ready to burst forth. Wow! What a difference a year makes.....last year was so cold and snowy at this time...and in April, 2011, we saw 10"+ of snowfall---no repeat, please! Off to my project. Big "thumbs up" to you!-D

    1. Oh, that sounds like fun too! I wish I go out more to enjoy the weather. But anyways its very cold this week here. Still I did make it a point to go out for a walk today with kids :-).
      It did feel refreshing.

  3. I think what you've done so far looks fabulous.

  4. Isn't all that detail so much fun! Great job! I am very jealous of your weather...we still have a bit of snow on the ground!

  5. You have done a good job. And you have alreaydy some micro stippling.

  6. In my very unexpert opinion, I think it looks awesome!!!!! And I think any expert will agree:)I have a suggestion for you(note I have not tried this) you mentioned you need to iron it to take out your marks. Before you iron them, try using a hairdryer to get rid of the marks,I have no idea if it will work or not, but believe me, you will not like how ironing your quilting will take the puffiness out. I learned this the hard way. Luckily, it was only on a small potholder project. I wasn't using those knind of pens, but I was trying to correct some puckers. I ended up scrapping the potholder because i didn't like the way ironing it made it look. It flattened out all of my pretty quilting!!! If you try the hairdryer, let me know how it works!

    1. Thank you, danih! That sounds like good suggestion. I will give that a try and let you know.

  7. It looks really good with the matching thread, and you've obviously already mastered micro-stippling!

    1. Thank you, Anne! I still learning microstippling. But I think since I did so much microstippling for my Butterfly quilt and the start wall hanging, that did help.

  8. Nice job, Milani! Beautiful microstippling and good outlining!


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