Quilt Along with Leah Day - week 7

This week was really busy for me. I didn't get much time on the sewing machine. The baby was sick(had an allergic reaction and had rashes all over his face) and didn't get much sleep. I'm glad he is finally feeling better. But I did manage to get the quilted pieces to be bound together yesterday. I was also able to do the binding for my quilts/wall-hanging from previous week:
Butterfly quilt with binding on

Sawtooth Star Wall Hanging

Here are some of the pictures as I'm making progress with putting the quilted pieces together:
Showing the back binding holding the quilted pieces together

Front binding
 Since this was my first try it was hard to get a perfect 1/4 inch seam on the back binding. I noticed that I had stitched generous 1/4inch seam in the middle of the pieces. But I was able to hide it because I hand bound the pieces. Like Leah mentioned in her post, the hand binding finish does look beautiful. 
Hand Binding on the back of the Quilted pieces

I am still thinking on which quilt to practice the Stippling on. I have put something together before I can start quilting. I really don't have much time to piece the quilt. So, I have to pick something less time consuming.

Can't wait for the baby to be completely feel better :-). And I will try to get more stippling done in this week.

Leah I have couple of questions for you:
1. While binding these quilted pieces if we happen to stitch generous 1/4inch at some places, should we go back and rip the stitches and start over again? Or if we can hide it using hand binding, should we do that? I personally feel that I can pull the fabric little bit, since cotton has some stretch and hide the mistake.  Is this a good idea or practice?

2. Once bound, do you put extra stitches on top of these binding for the pieces to hold together? Or this is not necessary since the quilt will be strong to hold all the washes ?

Thanks again!
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Both your butterfly and sawtooth quilts look great! Wow, hand stitching the binding down. I know it looks lovely, but I never seem to have the patience. Great job this week!

  2. The stippling on the butterfly quilt is so effective - really pretty. Well done for hand binding - I decided to save time (and try the zigzag stitch for the first time ever!)

  3. Malini, your quilts look great. Sure hope your baby is feeling better - it is hard to get anything done when a little one is ill. ~Jeanne

  4. Wow! beautiful job - you're a stippling pro, Malini

  5. your stippling is amazing! So even and round.

  6. Thank you all for your comments. Its just so wonderful to reach each one of your comments. we're building a great online community.


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