SewCal Gal's 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge - February

I have been working on the Sawtooth Star Wall hanging Quilt for past couple of weeks. I want to enter this for the February challenge. I had initially started this quilt for Leah Day's Quilt Along - Week5.
Here I have combined the lessons learned from Leah Day on Stippling and Diane Gaudynski's February tutorial on Echo Feather Plume.

This is my first time ever to try the feathers in free motion quilting. If you have been reading my blog you would know that I just started learning free motion quilting this year.

So here is how my process started towards the feathers.
I doodled on paper quite a few times to get the feathers as seen in Diane Gaudynski's tutorial(link provided above). Then thought about how can I quilt them. I drew the stem of the feather first using a pen(this mark goes away when you iron the fabric). Then started quilting the feathers as per Diane's instructions.

After quilting few feathers, I was more confident and quilted the feathers with the flow. I got the idea to micro stipple around the feathers from reading Leah Day's post Texture Stippling. This definitely seemed to enhance the beauty of the feathers. Since, I didn't have any experience with any other FMQ method. I decided to stick with stippling around the feathers.

Here are few pictures of the wall hanging/quilt I made:
Showcasing the block

The Middle Block
Quilted Wall Hanging

Below is the picture of the wall hanging proudly displayed on the walls of my living room :-).

Click on the picture to see it big.

I wanted to thank Diane Gaudynski's for the wonderful 2012 FMQ Challenge's feathers tutorial, Leah Day's Quilt Along tutorials for teaching me stippling and last but not the least Sew Cal Gal for giving me the opportunity to participate in FMQ challenge.


  1. Awesome feathering! What a fantastic way of using them - I wouldn't have thought of it!

    1. Thank you, Kirsten. After I had finished my blocks. I realized that the borders where too big and then it strike me that this could be perfect for feathers :-). It kind of worked out for me.

  2. You did a fantastic job. Your quilt project is truly a work of art. Love your quilted feathers. Great job.


    1. Thank you, SewCal Gal. I'm really enjoying FMQ challenge.

  3. These feathers are beautiful! I guess I didn't click before as there are so many linking to SewCalGal each month.... Thanks for sharing!


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