WIP - Quilts for Boston update

Our Mother's day evening was well spent with friends from BMQG for a sew-in at Gather Here for making quilts tops, quilt backs and blocks for "Quilts for Boston".

I took some 20 blocks to make this quilt top. It was amazing to see how blocks made by different people all around the world came together so well. 
Quilt top - Quilts for Boston
I will be also quilting this quilt completely including binding. I just can't wait.

I am also working on another project and more updates on that next week.

Linking up with Lee@Freshly Pieced blog.

Happy Quilting!


  1. I love the top and feel your pain on the trimming! I think that part is so tedious but well worth it in the end.

  2. Great top! I can't wait to see more of these come together.

  3. This came out beautifully!!! It's going to be so awesome to see these all together:-)

  4. Very nice! I'm so excited to see these quilts come together.

  5. It looks amazing - I love what the quilting community can do en masse...

  6. That turned out so nice! I love the RUN block!


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