Quilt Along with Leah Day - week 19,20 & 21

I haven't got a chance to link every week after we started the Modern Quilts at QAL with Leah Day.
For the past couple of months I have already been intrigued about Modern Quilts and Quilting on Modern Quilts after I read about Angela Walters. So, I have been in the process of designing my modern quilt.

Traditional Disappearing nine-patch Quilt Design
This quilt features two different blocks. I choose Moda Bella Marbles blues for this quilt and Moda Bella White as my neutral fabric. My approach was my choosing the color of the fabrics how a quilt can look modern. Probably there are 100s or even more different ways of making a quilt modern. This was just my approach and couldn't look beyond this at this point since I'm obsessed with this quilt block. I have alternated two different blocks.

First Block:
Some people call it disappearing nine patch and I wanted to call it sliced nine patch. Jenny @Missouri Star Quilt Co has a great tutorial on this. Since, Leah mentioned that we work with L block. My sashing for the this block is L shaped. Here is a picture below.

Second Block:
The second block I used is based on a technique called "Stack & Slash". I added a 1.5inches sashing after each cut. So, the block looks like group of rectangles.

I still have lot more work to do to catch-up with Leah's QAL. But at least hoping by end of this week I will be able start quilting this quilt.

Will be posting the picture of the quilt top soon.


  1. The quilt is beautiful. I like the traditional blue and white mixed with a modern twist. I look forward to seeing it finished.

    1. Thank you, Joni! I hoping to finish the quilt top tonight. Lets see.

  2. That is one great look! Plenty of room for quilting!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Doreen.
      Actually I'll be alternative another quilt block so there won't be as much negative space as shown in the first pic.
      Will post the quilt top soon.


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