Quilt Along with Leah Day - Week 17

Wow! I really needed a vacation in May. It was such a hectic month with very little quilting.
I'm glad to have Leah's Quilt Along back. Have really missed it.
Since, I do not have any pieced quilt to work on. I decided to sampler blocks and then put them together at the end with Quilt-As-You-Go method. This takes some pressure off my shoulders.

Here is my work for this week:
Quilt Sample
Circuit Board FMQ

Circuit Board FMQ Variation
I guess I'm curvy kind of girl, I prefer or find it easier to quilt the curvy designs over the boxy designs. This was a little bit tough. The second variation which I tried for circuit board was being mindful about the images on the fabric and only trying to quilt around them. I really do like both quilting. Just that the second one is not equally spaced.

Leah if you're reading I have couple of questions for you:
1. In my variation of circuit board, I tried to be mindful about the pictures/images on the fabric and my quilting ended up not being equally spaced. Is this okay? I kind of know you're answer....I bet you're going to say if I like it then its okay. Any way wanted to hear your suggestions.

2. Do some people find it easier to do the curvy designs over the boxy ones? Or is it just me?

Happy Quilting!


  1. Love your quilting. It does feel good to be back at it.

    As for preference, I love the look of the square designs, but I find curves way easier to stitch. But that's probably just me.

    1. Thank you, Pat!

      I totally agree with on the square designs.

  2. Curves are definitely my preference. They just feel more natural. I find straight lines take more focus. I can zone out more when doing curves, especially stippling.

  3. Echoing Pat and Gwyned.....curvy seems easier to me, also. Wonder if it might have something to do with learning/using cursive handwriting with all its curves 'ingrained' in my memory bank (my grade school teachers did an awesome job!!!!)? Your circuit board quilting is so cute on that fabric. Great idea to do the lessons 'piece meal' then sew together at the end!

  4. I think it looks great - I tend to also like curvy, but I think it's because I have such a hard time keeping everything straight.

  5. Thank you all for your comments. I totally agree doodling all these years on paper I guess I'm natural when comes to curvy designs. Glad to know I wasn't alone.

  6. What cute fabric! I like your stitching - and if you like it then you are set! I do not have a preference - I like what ever I'm doing without breaking thread or needles. Sometimes that's curved, sometimes straight. I can't figure out why things do not break - I'm pretty good at figuring out why things are breaking though - but I still do it!

  7. My preference is for shure the curvy lines. My machine however does not agree with me, she likes the straight lines!!
    Love the fabric and the quiltjob.

  8. Wow awesome!You have done such a great job here very inspiring..I appreciate your creative work keep it up...


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