W.I.P Wednesday - A little dress and quilt back

Its been 2 years since I started quilting and I used to sew clothes before that. And its been 2 years since I made any dresses for me or my daughter.

I bought this smocked fabric last year when she was still in love with Dora. Its amazing to see what an year can do. She just seems more matured and big just in an year :-(. Luckily she is still willing to wear this dress when I finish soon.

Frills using Kona tulip purple (I know it looks blue in this pic)

I was working on my quilt backing for my Metro Hoops quilt, blogged here. Lately I seem not to waste any fabric which is leftover from making quilt top. So, I made this back block using the left over scrap from. I was planning to quilt this on the long arm , due to time constraint it didn't go well :(.
Metro Hoops Quilt back

Now linking up my progress Lee @Freshly Pieced blog.


  1. That's an adorable dress! She certainly is growing fast!

  2. Very very cute! My sister has had two boys, sadly no girl ( yet) ! Will be sewing with some robot fabric soon, though!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com


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